Hello, welcome to our food recipe blog (Grab for Eats). We have created this blog to share mostly from scratch and favorite recipes. After years of thinking and encouragement from people dear to us, we thought, why not share food cultures and habits around the world?
One thing is for sure you don’t need to become a pro at everything to try out different foods. Just follow simple steps and you can even cook the best dish of your life.
The food culture around the world is interesting and in this age of globalization, you can easily prepare them at home. So, why start a cooking blog? We believe there should be a brief explanation for this.
It All Starts On the Go
Just a year back, we started traveling as a team. Fresh out of home quarantine, we thought, why not tour around cities? The post-pandemic situation was an exciting time for us. Staying inside the home was boring, and we had to rely on the shopping mall instant food or other food supplies.
Now, we tried different food recipes during our long quarantine session. From there, we developed a keen interest in food recipes around the world. We researched intensively to gather popular recipes and tried them ourselves.
Well, super shops or online retailers did a pretty good job in providing all the important ingredients to us. But trying out home recipes can give you a good idea about the taste, not the overall aspect.
Our curiosity leads us to tour and travel around the world. Also, we wanted to talk with people or communicate with them. As a result, we packed our backpacks and started touring the country.
Along the way, we tried new foods and talked with the cooks about their recipes. And we shared with friends or families about our experience with the food. And guess what, they asked for the recipe. At first, we had difficulties sharing the recipes.
In such cases, there’s only one thing to do: search the recipe online or look for information online. Yes, there are plenty of results, and we tried them out. However, there was a slight difference in the taste after all.
That’s when the idea for a cooking recipe blog came into our minds. Certainly, the home cooks did a pretty good job sharing their recipes. However, we wanted to promote food and popular foods across the globe. At least, there are some luxurious and popular recipes that everybody should try.
For our whole team, sharing our experience and knowledge on food became a priority. That’s when we researched and started touring. A combination of online research and life experience helped us a great deal creating a proper cooking recipe blog.
Why Is Our Cooking Website Unique?
After reading the story where we started to gather inspiration, there rises an essential question. What makes our cooking blog unique and can pick your interest?
Well, our team had a great interest in cooking since childhood. We even had a cooking club in school. However, that can’t make us a reliable option for learning unique cooking recipes. But over the years of learning, we improved our knowledge and taste buds.
We’re not through yet as there’s more. If we have your attention we have some key aspects that make us a unique cooking blog for you.
We Try to Ensure Authenticity in Our Recipes
No matter how you look at it, you can’t just ensure an authentic taste. There are factors like spices, herbs, and the quality of your ingredients for cooking an authentic dish. Searching for information online won’t help you much with authenticity.
That’s why we gather information while we roam around places. Asking help from local experts helps us design the proper recipe to satisfy your tastebuds.
Although, we have to make some alterations to the ingredients so that you don’t find it weird. No matter how the taste goes, fusion is necessary. And our knowledge of food culture help us guide you with the best recipes.
Anyone Can Try Our recipes
Writing recipes may seem easy at first. But you need to ensure an easy-to-read layout for your recipes. Our team wants your success in the kitchen all the time. The final recipe outline, as you will see in our blog, has every bit of information.
We need to make sure our draft has all the information and from the draft, we create the final outline. So, anyone can use our recipes and understand the procedures.
We Test These Recipes Ourself
We only pick a recipe that we have tried on our travels or foods that we want to try out. After tasting new food, we always try to make them in our home. Yes, we collect the popular recipe from the locals or try to dig up info online.
After cooking, we try them and share them with our friends and families. Also, based on the reviews of each recipe becomes the final result of this blog. So, our authentic recipes are sure to be great for your table.
What is Our Aim?
Our blog aims to deliver easy-to-make, delightful food recipes. Who says popular foods cannot offer a healthier alternative? We can share a healthier alternative even with some of the tastiest foods.
Anybody starting from beginners to experts can use our recipes at home. We genuinely believe with a minimum level of cooking experience can cook a delicious meal at home. All you require is proper guidance for the meal.
You will find recipes for different occasions here. Whether you are celebrating a holiday or need an instant snack idea, you will find them here. This website is for food enthusiasts like you and us.
We Can Guide Your Creativity
Who says you can’t get creative with a little cooking knowledge? A basic guide can always help you make the right alterations. As far as cooking blogs go, you are sure to visit our about page once in a while. This is to ensure you get a good idea of what we do and how we deliver the recipes.